Sunday, July 09, 2006


As most people do, I get ideas reasonably often about all sorts of different subjects. Things I hear about in the news, programs I watch on television, articles I read in newspapers and magazines, experiences I have, etc. often start me thinking, which can be dangerous, but sometimes also leads to (at least for me) interesting conclusions.
I realized after mulling the idea for a while that it might make sense to blog some of those ideas. I don't know that they're especially unique, or that anyone will care what I think, but perhaps someone out there will either agree or set me straight for missing an important point.

The ideas I seem to be having more and more often lately are ways to improve the hole that we seem to be digging for ourselves in terms of our use of natural resources. I don't consider myself an environmentalist, per se. My interest lies more in the area of what I guess I'll call practical environmentalism. One person doing everything they possibly can to be "green" will not make an appreciable difference in the environment, unless they're perhaps leader of a large country or a multi-national corporation. However, I'm of the belief that there's an awful lot of little, easy things that everyone can do that when taken as a whole, start to make a significant difference.
Many of the posts to come are going to be "why don't more people do..." with relation to this general theme. I can guarantee that I'll sit down to the keyboard more than occasionally and put out something that is not related to the environment, but that's why it's my blog. :-)

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